Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Start of my PC Water Cooling Journey

I decided to invest into a water cooling system for my X-shuttle PC. Its been used as a server/media/TV system at the moment. The problem is it tends to over heat very quickly. I'm connected to a complex network system and seeing that i usually obtain all the new series etc. my PC gets raped and i can't watch all my new series when the PC starts lagging caused by over heating. I used PC Wizard 2008 to indicate my PC's vitals on the run. On average the system will run at 65*C and when she really gets worked had she gets to 98*C and turns off. The system is very small but i like the sleek look.

OS - Windows XP (Soon to be Ubuntu 8.10 server)
CPU - P4 2.4 MHz (over clocked to 2.666MHz)
RAM - 1.5 Gig DDR 266Hz

Seeing that "Busty Blond" is the heart of my media center I'm going to be entertain less as we will Journey to the land on over clocked, water cooled systems of the future......

I did some reading on this kinda system modding and only really found that to be any good. My system has a different configuration there will not stick to these guidelines to strictly. Between all that YouTube crap found this video

Here are a few picks i have taken to give you an idea where I'm starting...

This a block of copper I obtained from a local metal retailer 76x82x19.5. This will be used to make the water block for the CPU. It cost me in the regain of R110.

I don't really know way i got this peace of copper 2mm plate but know i'm going to use it somewhere and i was not planning to go back to buy more copper seeing that it was a far and dodge drive to the metal distributer. Cost me R45 i think.

Now we are getting to the more interesting design past of the project. I got a the 2mm copper square plate for radiators base construction, tin (Yes tin, not aluminum) cans and fountain centrifugal water pump. The pump was R150 from buildersware house and the copper R50. Details on the pump will be given soon

Even though the system is very much old school I'm not planning to buy a new system soon so I might as well play around with this one. Here are a few picks of the guts of my system.

A very small setup. Explaining the over heating problem in a country like South Africa.

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